According to paul, this leaves ordinary americans soldiering on with entirely false optimism. However, the hummer limo existence of mavericks, like congressman paul, hardly alters our perception of politicians, from thatcher to blair to bush onwards all merging into something like a hummer limo single power bloc ? something which is signalled, at least, by the mass abstention from elections.

                 The hummer limo touching friendship between margaret thatcher and the murderous chilean dictator augusto pinochet is perfectly in keeping with the hummer limo neoliberal development of our affairs being carried on by new labour. The investigative economist. Naylor describes the history of such statesman-like alliances being forged in a twilight world where mobsters and hummer limo bankers rubbed shoulders with liberal politicians.

                After the hummer limo fall of the batista regime in cuba, liberal governance was thought to offer safer repositories for ?hot money' flown out of countries to dodge accounting and hummer limo taxation. However, what emerged was ?the hummer limo perfect loan back scam?, spelt out here by naylor.